are a 21st Century Principal if...
You know that PLN stands for Personal Learning
Network…and you collaborate with yours daily.
You use Twitter to find and share resources,
engage in international conversation about education, connect with other
educators, and make announcements to teachers, parents and students that follow
You've replaced the filing cabinet in your office with Dropbox… and can access all of your important documents while out and about.
Your school has started paperless initiatives to
help cut down the costs of printing and copying.
You have a school website, blog, Facebook page,
and Twitter account and they are each updated regularly to keep parents,
teachers, and students informed with the latest news, events, activities, and
general announcements.
You not only allow but fully support and
encourage the use of social media inside school.
You encourage your teachers to take advantage of
all of the free resources available online, especially SimpleK12 eBooks and
education webinars.
You watch webinars, read blogs, and tweet to
keep current on the latest education trends and topics.
You encourage your staff to be involved in the
selection of new media and technology.
You collaborate with faculty members regularly
via free web tools such as Google Docs.
You collect classroom walkthrough and
observation data via Google Forms."
Here is a link to the original blog: http://blog.simplek12.com/education/21-signs-you%E2%80%99re-a-21st-century-principal/.
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